Buy Livepeer
in Slovenia

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Learn More about buying LPT in Slovenia

How to buy Livepeer in Slovenia

Is LPT a good investment in Slovenia?

Livepeer Token (LPT) was released in 2018 with an initial price of $6.68. LPT price rose to $8 in June of the 2019. it was almost stable in 2020 with an average price of $2 to $3. 2021 was a surprising year for LPT owners because its price suddenly mounted to $40 in April. After many ups and downs, LPT reached its highest value of $101 in November 2021. But that only lasted one day, the LPT price started to fall again and finished the year with a value of $50. The price of LPT continued to fall in 2022, and the token ended the year at $6.8. 

LPT price had somehow been stable for most of the time. It had recorded the highest price of $101 and the lowest price of $0.57. Therefore, it was a good investment for a while. But, it is not clear if it will be as profitable as it was before. If you want to invest in the Livepeer token, checking the LPT price predictions will be helpful. However, you should also know that the predictions are not always true, and are only some expectations. Anyhow, most crypto analysts and experts believe that LPT will not have a surprising price change by 2025 when it might reach $60. It is also anticipated that LPT would reach $449 by 2030. Therefore, if the predictions become true, Livepeer could be a good investment.

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What is Livepeer ?

Livepeer is an Ethereum-based network for video transcoding, released in 2018. The major reason for designing such a network was to reduce the costs that video streaming had before. Livepeer is a scalable Platform As-a-Service (PaaS) for startups or organizations to add live or on-demand videos more easily. It reformats videos so that anyone with any range of bandwidth or any device can see them without any problem. Therefore, Livepeer makes streaming more reliable and cost-effective. It can reduce the cost of video streaming by up to 50x compared to previous methods.

For more information and updates about this coin, check Livepeer official website.

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Is Livepeer legal to buy in Slovenia?

Yes. According to the virtual currency press release by the Bank of Slovenia, cryptocurrencies
are digital representations of value or token that are neither issued nor backed by a central bank
or a public authority. That being said, it is not illegal to accept crypto assets as a means of
payment in Slovenia. According to the mentioned statement, Transfer, purchase, storage and
trading of cryptocurrency, though warned to be risky, yet arises no legal problems in Slovenia.

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Is Livepeer taxed in Slovenia

According to the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS), a natural person
resident in Slovenia is not taxed on the capital gains from the sale or use of virtual currencies,
unless the activity is considered to be a professional business. This is because, according to the
Slovenia’s Personal Income Tax Act, capital gains are generally not taxable if they result from
movable property or the disposal of derivative financial assets. Since cryptocurrencies are not
fixed financial assets or shares, they are not included in the individual’s taxable capital gain. But
according to the statement by the Financial Administration, individuals who engage in trading
and extracting virtual currencies as business activity are subject to income tax. More information
on the taxation of activities is published in the brochure on income from activities (in Slovenian).

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After you've bought Livepeer in Slovenia

LTP is mostly considered a rewarding coin that is used on the Livepeer network. People who want to stream a video on this platform can spend their coins on the network. In addition, LTP owners with more streaming videos will receive Ether or DAI rewards. Therefore, people can make money by using their LPT coins and streaming videos. LPT also has other uses, such as staking, trading, or voting. Therefore, LTP owners can also use their coins to vote to make changes on the network.


Without a doubt, one of the main reasons for buying coins is their probable investment profit. LPT is one of the popular coins that has shown it could be a profitable investment. Therefore, you can buy Livepeer Tokens from a trusted exchange like Blocktrade, keep them in a secure wallet and wait until their price rises. However, you should know that the future of cryptocurrencies is not predictable. Even if the price predictions of a coin show it will be profitable, any incident might change everything. Therefore, if you are a beginner in this world, it is recommended to invest as much as you can afford to lose. You can make an exit point for your investment to avoid any loss.

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Who can buy Livepeer in Slovenia?

Anyone. Many crypto-trading platforms have launched following the cryptocurrency boom of the
last decade. This availability of numerous options can make it confusing for new investors to
select the places to buy cryptocurrency in Slovenia. With the help of crypto exchanges, you can
easily start your crypto transactions by creating an account. What distinguishes an exchange
from others, is the transaction services it offers, exchange fee and the payment methods it
provides for an easy and convenient crypto purchase. In Slovenia, payment methods such as
Apple pay, Google pay, Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Transfer and PayPal are accessible. Our
exchange supports all of these payment services and offers you fast, safe and free of charge
cryptocurrency transactions in Slovenia.

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Buy Livepeer at your ease

Payment methods to buy Livepeer in Slovenia

Credit Card

Debit Card

Bank Transfer

Credit Card

Debit Card

Bank Transfer


Google Pay

Apple Pay


Google Pay

Apple Pay


Just 3 easy steps to your first investment in Livepeer

Sign up and verify
your account

Make your first

Start your
investment journey


Frequently asked questions

Livepeer Tokens are available to buy in most exchanges. You can purchase this token on BlockTrade exchange, which is a safe, and low-cost platform to buy any cryptocurrency.

According to the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS), if profits from
regular and business-like cryptocurrency activities are treated as capital gains under the
corporate law, capital gains are considered regular income, and the total amount of profits
earned is taxed at 19%.

Yes. According to the Bank of Slovenia, cryptocurrency is not recognized as legal tender.
Therefore, it is not widely accepted as a form of money. But according to the same statement, if
the service provider or goods seller is willing to accept crypto-payment, then there should be no
legal issues.

If you create an account on any exchange, such as BlockTrade, you can easily buy and sell your Livepeer tokens.

It is estimated that over 50 thousand people, 2.45% of Slovenia’s total population, currently own

No one can guarantee that an investment will be profitable. A good investment depends on different factors. The predictions show that the LPT price might rise in the next 5 years. In this case, depending on the LPT price of the day, it might be a good investment in the future.

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